Say It on a Shirt: Senior Design Expo Contest
Have an eye for fashion? Help us design the first official Senior Design Expo T-shirt.
All students in this spring’s Senior Design Expo are invited to lend their innovative genius on another challenge: designing the first official Senior Design Expo T-shirt.
If you’ve got an eye for fashion and have some creative ideas on how to best illustrate the Senior Design Expo on a shirt, email your designs in Powerpoint slides or as JPEGs to Associate Dean Leora Brovman at The Senior Design Expo faculty team will review all submissions and vote on the one that best exemplifies the event.
Designs are constrained to one color for front and back of the shirts. Deadline for submissions is Monday, March 21 and the winner will be announced by April 1.
This year’s Senior Design Expo will be held on May 5 at Lerner Auditorium. Seniors from all nine Engineering departments showcase their innovative capstone projects at the annual event.
Happy (T-shirt) designing!
From a dynamic prosthetic alignment device to an air hockey playing robot, the 2015 Senior Design Expo showcased work of graduating students across the Engineering departments. —Video by Jane Nisselson