A New Academic Year, New Collaborations
Columbia Engineering faculty gathered at the newly renovated Carleton Commons September 28 to welcome new colleagues, celebrate professional achievements, and kick off the 2015-16 academic year.
Dean Mary C. Boyce introduced new faculty members with research interests ranging from cybersecurity to nanophotonics to improved desalination and wastewater reclamation.
“They’re quite a roster, and a key part of our future,” she said.
Shih-Fu Chang, Richard Dicker Professor of Telecommunications and senior executive vice dean, recognized faculty members who were promoted or received tenure in recent months. Following his remarks, Paula Anzer, director of strategic initiatives for the School, announced new programs to foster innovation including additional seed funding for collaborative research and an initiative working with scientists in Chile.
Boyce also outlined progress on the School’s extensive renovations, from the Data Science Institute and enhanced lab and classroom spaces to the new Electron Microscopy (EM) Lab and upgraded clean room to accommodate nanoscience research.

Katayun Barmak, Philips Electronics Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics.

Computer Science Professors Alfred Aho (right) and Rocco Servidio

L-R: Aaron Kyle (Biomedical Engineering), Jeffery Kysar (Mechanical Engineering, and Wen Wang (Electrical Engineering).

Dean Mary C. Boyce welcomes faculty to the 2015-2016 academic year.

Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic, Mikati Foundaqtion Professor of Biomedical Engineering.

Faculty gathered on Sept. 28 in the newly renovated Carleton Commons in Mudd.

Shih-Fu Chang, Richard Dicker Professor of Telecommunications and senior executive vice dean.

Eugene Wu, assistant professor of computer science, new to SEAS.

L-R: Haim Waisman (Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics), Kristin Myers (Mechannical Engineering), and Shiho Kawashima (Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics).

Vineet Goyal (Industrial Engineering and Operations Research), Simha Sethumadhavan (Computer Science), and Dean Boyce.