Celebrating Faculty Promotions
Dean Mary C. Boyce began a new tradition for Columbia Engineering as she hosted a reception to celebrate faculty promotions on March 27. Noting that departments individually celebrate these accomplishments, Dean Boyce said this was the first of what will be an annual spring event for the School.

From left to right: Maria Chudnovsky (IEOR); Helen H. Lu (BME); V. Faye McNeill (ChemE); Christopher Jacobs (BME); Senior Vice Dean Shih-Fu Chang; Dean Mary C. Boyce; Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park (EEE); Elisa Konofagou (BME); Dan Ellis (EE); Gil Zussman (EE); Arvind Narayanaswamy (MechE).
“Each of these career milestones is hard-earned and it is wonderful to come together to collectively recognize our colleagues and celebrate their incredible contributions and achievements,” she said.
The ceremony honored 10 faculty members: six promotions to full professor; three promotions to tenure, and one promotion from assistant professor to associate professor (without tenure). Each honoree was feted by a representative of his or her department, who gave a brief introduction to their work and their accomplishments, and received a gift to commemorate the occasion. This year’s honorees are:
Promotions to Full Professor:
- Professors Christopher Jacobs, Elisa Konofagou, and Helen H. Lu of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Professor Jason Nieh of the Department of Computer Science (CS)
- Professor Dan Ellis of the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Professor Maria Chudnovsky of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR)
Promotions to Tenure:
- Associate Professor V. Faye McNeill of the Department of Chemical Engineering (ChemE)
- Associate Professor Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park of the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering (EEE)
- Associate Professor Gil Zussman of the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)
Promotion to Associate Professor (without tenure):
- Associate Professor Arvind Narayanaswamy of the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MechE)