Zhaoqi (Riancy) Li
Riancy is a junior in SEAS, studying computer science.

Riancy's interests lie in the ways in which technology can be used to enhance research in the healthcare field. As a sophomore, Riancy joined Luso Labs, a startup aimed at bringing affordable and accessible cervical cancer screenings to women in developing regions of the world. Last summer, she also worked in the department of systems of biology at the National Institute of Health as a software engineer, creating a module of Simmune software that helps biologists share and combine models of cellular signaling pathways.
In her spare time, Riancy enjoys reading literally everything. From Nabokov to Murakami, from Kierkegaard to Fanon, you'll always see her on the subway with a book in her hand. At the moment, she is a content writer for CORE Impulse and an editor at the Journal of Politics and Society. She hopes to be able to minor in either anthropology or sociology, so her engineering skills can be combined with a richer understanding what it means to be human. One day, she aspires to contribute these unique skills towards designing products/policy that elevates the human experience.