Daniel Solis
Daniel Solis is a senior from Brownsville, Texas. He plans to major in Biomedical Engineering and minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

As a student at Columbia, Daniel intends to focus his research in the Strategies for Engineering Negligible Senescence (SENS) Process based off of tissue engineering and life extension. He also plans to focus on developing business experience in hopes of creating start-ups in his interests.
For his engineering interests, Daniel has completed various projects in several fields. He was part of a team that was a finalist in the Columbia Rio Design Challenge: Sensing in the City. In order to help build a smart and sustainable city, they produced a viable design-concept for a human-centric cooling model for increased building energy efficiency that won continued support toward development of an innovative, interdisciplinary technology-driven solution that was presented in Rio in May. The same team has also created a novel design of glasses that would alleviate periorbital edema and provide headache relief. He is now currently working with a team in designing a solution for the opioid crisis centered around a new treatment process for infants affected. He is also working on developing a novel STI testing product to target pain points in an epidemic leading to antibiotic resistance.
For his research interests, Daniel has worked at Barclay Morrison’s Neurotrauma and Repair Laboratory where he works on mitigating edema through enzyme treatment and eventually tissue engineering. In the past, as part of an internship at Rice University’s Institute of Biosciences and Bioengineering, he completed research on the preservation of Bovine Serum Albumin-Bound Gold Nanoparticles utilizing Glutaraldehyde in order to analyze optical properties for use in identifying future desired plasmon coupling. He has also, as a part of the M.I.T. Science, Technology, and Engineering Community, undertook advanced project course study in Neuroscience which allowed him to craft a series of lectures and simultaneously inspire others to do so in their subjects of choosing.
In regard to his business interests, Daniel has worked as a business/strategy intern at Bundle Organics where he managed financial modeling, the product pipeline, and automation of Excel using Visual Basic. He has also completed consulting work for Accenture as part of the Accenture Innovation Challenge in order to influence grocery retailers to reduce food wastage. He has also worked as a data scientist for LifeBEAM where there he developed multiple computational tools to go through data and provide actionable insights in collaboration with the various teams at the tech company. As a method of further developing analytical and creative skills, he joined the TAMID chapter at Columbia as a member of the Gimmel Class to work on a team to consult for various Israeli start-ups. As a member of the TAMID Group, he has developed his own consulting structure for the national level of the organization and now manages all the large-scale projects that the group works on with their clients.
Currently, Daniel is a part of the Columbia Organization or Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE) – the largest student group on campus – as an organizational committee leader. There he forwards intercollegiate connections, student enterprises, internship programs for other students, as well as various university programs such as design competitions. He is also a member of the Egleston Scholars Board that works on organizing events and relaying scholar interests to administration. He also refines his consulting/finance knowledge by teaching two classes to TAMID Group members at Columbia.
Outside of academics, Daniel enjoys practicing jazz piano, running cross country, and swimming. He also enjoys venturing out to view various shows, exhibits, and interesting lectures he may find. You can find him looking for the best eateries around the city on the weekends.