Columbia Engineering in California
On November 28, 2018, all Columbia alumni and friends are invited to the second installment of the Engineering for Humanity lecture series, focusing on complementary perspectives on a healthy humanity. As technology development makes health and wellness more personalized, precise, interactive, and focused on a holistic view of the patient, we are highlighting some of these critical advances on improving human health. Providing these perspectives are Professor Elizabeth Hillman, Gregory Dorn (President of Hearst Health) and Shivrat Chhabra (co-founder and CEO of Dosis). The panel will be moderated by Dean Mary C. Boyce.
Schedule of Events
6:00 p.m. Doors
6:30 p.m. Discussion
Speaker Bios
Professor Elizabeth Hillman
Elizabeth M. C. Hillman Ph.D. is a Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at Columbia University and a member of Columbia’s new Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. Prof Hillman’s research focuses on the development of novel imaging methods that permit visualization of a wide range of new high-speed, multi-dimensional aspects of cellular structure and function. Her latest technique, swept confocally aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy is capable of very high speed 3D microscopy in intact samples and was recently licensed by Leica Microsystems for commercial development. Prof Hillman is working with a wide range of neuroscientists to apply SCAPE for imaging neural activity throughout the complex 3D networks of the living brain. She is also extending this development to explore wider applications of SCAPE including organoid and ‘on-chip’ systems for personalized medicine. SCAPE can bring fundamentally new capabilities in these systems for high-content and high-throughput structural and functional characterization including integration of perturbations via optogenetics and functional read-outs such as intracellular calcium dynamics or cell motility. Prof Hillman’s research program also incorporates her own studies of brain-wide activity and the relationship between neural activity and blood flow dynamics in the brain as a way to better understand the fMRI BOLD signal, as well as to understand links between cardiovascular and endothelial physiology and brain disease.
Gregory Dorn BS'90

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