Debasis Mitra
Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Electrical Engineering; Adjunct Professor of Electrical Engineering
1332 S.W. Mudd
Mail Code 4712
Research Interests
Internet economics, industrial organizations, network science and engineering, mathematics of systems, stochastic systems, queuing theoryDebasis Mitra received a PhD in Electrical Engineering from London University in 1967, and a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from London University in 1964. He joined Bell Labs as a Member of Technical Staff in 1968, and remained there till 2013. He joined Columbia University as a Professor of Electrical Engineering in 2013.
- Member of Technical Staff, Mathematical Sciences Research Center, Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ, 1968 - 1986
- Head, Mathematics of Networks and Systems Department, Mathematical Sciences Research, Bell Labs, 1986 – 1999
- Director (later, Vice President), Mathematical Sciences Research, Bell Labs, 1999-2007
- Debasis Mitra directed work in fundamental mathematics, algorithms, complex systems analysis and optimization, statistics, information & communication sciences and operations research.
- Visiting McKay Professor, University of California, Berkeley, Fall 1984
- Taught course on parallel processing
- Albert Winsemius Professor at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore, 2003
- Vice President, Chief Scientist’s Office, Bell Labs, 2008-2013
- National Academies’ Intelligence Science and Technology Experts Group, 2016 -
- IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal Committee, 2019-2020
- National Academies Panel on Information Sciences at the Army Research Laboratory, 2009-2015
- Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board, 2011-2012
- Army Research Office, Board of Visitors, Mathematical Sciences Division Review, 2016
- National Institute of Standards and Technology’s panel to assess Information Technology Laboratory, 2009-2010
- Air Force Studies Board of the National Academies, 2006-2010
- Chair, Telecom Review Panel of the N.J. Commission on Jobs Growth and Economic Development, 2003
- A*STAR Review Panel on Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, 2010-2011
- Chair, Mathematics Advisory Committee, Science Foundation of Ireland, 2006
- Advisory Committee, Center for Energy Efficient Telecommunications, University of Melbourne, 2010- 2013
- IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award Committee, Member 2001-2003, Chair 2004-2005, Past Chair 2006
- IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Committee, 2004-2006
- IEEE COMSOC Award Committee, 2010-2013
- Awards Committee of the ACM SIGMETRICS professional society, member 2013-2016, chair 2017
- Operations Research, area editor for Telecommunications and Networking, 2003-2007
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, editorial board, 1993-1998
- Queuing Systems (QUESTA), editorial board, 1992-2003
- IEEE Transactions on Communications, editorial board, 1991-1993
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, editorial board, 1991-1993
- Performance Evaluation, editorial board, 1991-2001
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Member, National Academy of Engineering, 2003
- Bell Labs Fellow, 2003
- IEEE Life Fellow, 2010
- ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award, 2012
- Arne Jensen Lifetime Achievement Award, International Teletraffic Congress, 2012
- IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award, 1998
- Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award, IEEE Trans. Communications, 1992
- Guillemin-Cauer Prize Paper Award, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, 1981
- ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance Conference Award for Best Paper, 1995
- The Bell System Technical Journal Award, 1981
- Institution Premium Award for Best Publication, Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK), 1966
- D Mitra, Q Wang and A Hong, “Emerging Internet Content and Service Providers’ Relationships: Models and Analyses of Engineering, Business and Policy Impact”, Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2017, May 2017
- S Lanning, D Mitra, Q Wang, M Wright, “Optimal planning for optical transport networks”, Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 358 (1773), 2000, 2183-2196
- A I Elwalid, D Mitra, “Effective bandwidth of general Markovian traffic sources and admission control of high speed networks”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 1 (3), 1993, 329-343
- D Mitra, “Asymptotically optimal design of congestion control for high speed data networks”, IEEE Transactions on Communications 40 (2), 1992, 301-311
- B Lubachevsky, D Mitra, “A chaotic asynchronous algorithm for computing the fixed point of a nonnegative matrix of unit spectral radius”, Journal of the ACM (JACM) 33 (1), 1986, 130-150
- D Mitra, F Romeo, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, “Convergence and finite-time behavior of simulated annealing”, Advances in Applied Probability 18 (3), 1986, 747-771
- D Anick, D Mitra, M M Sondhi, “Stochastic Theory of a Data‐Handling System with Multiple Sources”, Bell Labs Technical Journal 61 (8), 1982, 1871-1894
- D Mitra, “The absolute stability of high-order discrete-time systems utilizing the saturation nonlinearity”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 25 (6), 1978, 365-371
- M M Sondhi, D Mitra, “New results on the performance of a well-known class of adaptive filters”, Proc. IEEE 64 (11), 1976, 1583-1597
- B Gopinath, D Mitra, “When are transistors passive?”, Bell System Technical Journal, 50 (8), 1971, 2835-2847