Choose from among 17 engineering areas of study that lead to a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree. Six of these programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET. You can further explore your interests with a selection from more than 30 different minor programs of study.

Undergraduate Majors

Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Computer Engineering Computer Science
Earth & Environmental Engineering Electrical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Operations Research: Engineering Management Systems Operations Research: Financial Engineering


To learn more about the majors or to speak to an adviser, please contact the following:

Applied Physics
Applied Mathematics
Material Science & Engineering

Montserrat (Monste) Fernandez-Pinkley

Biomedical Engineering 

Professor Lance Kam
Helen Cen

Civil Engineering
Engineering Mechanics

Scott Kelly

Chemical Engineering

Professor Vivian Faye McNeil

Computer Science

Randolph Rivo

Earth and Environmental Engineering

Professor Dan Steingart
Professor Thanos Bourtsalas

Electrical Engineering
Computer Engineering

Cassandra Kokofu

Industrial Engineering
Operations Research
Engineering Management Systems
Financial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Mel Francis


Undergraduate Minors

In your sophomore year, you may choose to add a minor from more than 30 concentrations to complement your major or branch out into another area of interest. Here’s what you need to know about choosing a minor.

Choosing A Major

Choosing a major in the fall of your sophomore year is an important step in your education and future career.  Learn more about how to choose a major that’s right for you.

Six of our engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET